This week students have been working hard on their Holy Week narrative stories called, "Through the Eyes of Jesus." Students are writing from the perspective of Jesus and how He felt in His heart when He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, His thoughts and emotions during the Last Supper as well as on Good Friday. When we return after Easter weekend, we will finish with Jesus' ascension. Tomorrow during third block, students will watch the 'Stations of the Cross' performed by our Faith In Action members here at St. Cecilia. We will also finish up our Lenten Art project using pastels (warm and cool colours) and construction paper that we have layered to create depth in our artwork (foreground, middleground and background).
In Math, we have been working on our measurement unit with a focus on perimeter and area. Students have also been practicing representing money amounts up to $10.00, making change and representing a money amount in more than one way. We also continue to review and revisit all strands of math that we have covered thus far. In Physical Education, students have been participating in 'lead up' activities for basketball. Students have been working on their dribbling, chest and bounce passes as well as their shooting skills from various points in the key. Students understand how important it is for them to be in the ready position and making eye contact with their partner before passing the ball. As we approach the end of this school week, I just wanted to wish everyone a blessed Easter weekend. Looking forward to hearing all about everyone's Easter on Tuesday. Your Partner in Education, Mrs. Caluori
It is hard to believe that March Break has already arrived! I wish everyone a safe, restful and happy March Break. I look forward to hearing about all of the March Break adventures when we return March 19th.
A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in money to support our UNICEF #right2learn Lenten Project. We were able to add TWO bricks to our school in the front lobby today!!! Amazing. We are also $6.00 into our third brick. Our campaign continues after the break and will be running until March 29th so let's get those donations in to build a better world, one brick at a time.