Monday 15 January 2018

Great Week Back!

Image result for procedural writing clipartIt is hard to believe that we are already halfway through January already!  We had a great week back to school after the Christmas Break and I think students were happy to see their friends again and get back into a regular routine.  It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces and hear all about the wonderful vacations everyone had.

We have finished up our Descriptive Writing unit in Language and have begun Procedural Writing.  Check out our Twitter Feed for our co-created 'Must Haves' chart.

Students are wrapping up their Google Presentations on their Soil/Plant inquiry.  We should be ready this week to start presentations and build each others' knowledge.  Each group has been researching and preparing a different project so it will be exciting when these 'experts' help us all to learn more about their topic of research. 

Image result for timeStudents have been learning how text font, backgrounds, subtitles, table of contents, diagrams, etc. help grab the attention of the reader and help the reader understand the text better.  We have also been talking about the importance of communication skills when presenting.  Students have been thinking about how they can make sure the information they are presenting 'sticks' with their audience. 

In Physical Education, students have been learning a new game called Handball.  They are doing so well and starting to learn some great game strategies.

In Mathematics, we continue with Temperature and have introduced Time.  These are great concepts to practice daily at home using everyday situations such as, "What time is it now/"  "We are leaving for hockey in an hour and a half, what time will it be then?", "If you have dance practice everyday for 20 mins., how much have your practiced in total this week?", etc.  There are also numerous Time activities linked on our blog.  Have fun!