It is hard to believe that we are now beginning our last month of the school year! Wow, time really has flown by this past year.
As we begin this very busy month, I wanted to congratulate the Grade 6 students for working so hard this year and preparing themselves so well for the transition to Grade 7. This month will bring many special moments for the Grade 6 students with events such as the End of Year trip to St. Brigid Camp, the Awards Ceremony and Leaving Ceremony.
We started Spring off with some cool, wet weather but the temperature has definitely changed. As the very hot weather approaches a reminder to students to come to school each day dressed for the warm temperatures as well as with a bottle of water that they may keep at their desks throughout the day to keep cool and hydrated. Students should also be reminded to wear sunscreen each day.
Lets have a wonderful last month of school together!!!
In Language the students have been reviewing the
various writing forms and reading comprehension strategies. The students have been monitoring
their comprehension as they read complex texts
and discovering what ‘Fix-Up’ strategies best suit
them to ensure they are understanding and making meaning while they read. The students have enjoyed
working in their Literacy Clubs and have
done a great job discovering some of the techniques advertisers use to convince us to buy their products. The students will be starting their Book Club Unit: When Disaster Strikes. This unit has a focus on Social Responsibility and the students will really enjoy their books and meeting in their book clubs to discuss Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, inferences they have made and cause and effect relationships etc. This unit is a great chance for the students to practice using all of the reading comprehension strategies they have learned this year.
In Math the students will be reviewing and practicing the concepts learned this year to ensure they are all prepared for next year. It is essential that all students review nightly, basic math concepts such as long division, multiplication, as well as adding and subtracting with regrouping. A wonderful website that supports the Ontario Math Curriculum is and a website that has a huge variety of child-friendly math definitions with interactive examples is The weekly homework book will be coming to an end this month. Thank you for working with your child each week!
In Science the students have finished up their Conservation of Energy Unit and we have now begun a new unit on Electricity. Scientists in the Schools came on May 21st and led the students through engaging hands-on activities. Be sure to ask your child all about it and have them explain some of their new learning to you. Some of the concepts to be covered in this unit include terms such as circuit, switch, conductors, insulators, static electricity and current electricity.
In Religion and Fully Alive we will be starting our final unit which focuses on how “We Live in the World: The Natural and Social Environment” as well as “Values and Virtues”.
Walk as children of light, for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true, and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord
Ephesians 5:8-9
Up Coming Events:
May 26th - June 6th - Grade 6 EQAO Testing
May 28th - Milk Order and money due to the office
June 5th (4:00-6:00 p.m.) - End of Year Gathering
June 6th - PD Day, No school for the students
June 12th - 10:15 a.m. School picnic at Vincent Massey Park
June 17th - Grade 6 End of Year Trip to St. Brigid Camp (parental pick-up at 8:30/8:45 p.m.required)
June 19th - Track and Field
June 25th - 9:00 a.m. Year End Mass and Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony. Report Cards go home.
June 26th - 9:00 a.m. Awards Ceremony
June 27th - Last day of school
Have a fun and safe Summer holiday!
Your Partner in Education,
Mrs. Caluori
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