Wednesday 28 October 2015

October is almost over! Wow!!!

Image result for exclamation mark by amy krouse rosenthalThis week's Global Read Aloud is called Exclamation Mark!  The students are really enjoying our Author Study and are making a lot of meaningful text to self and text to text connections.  This week's reading response is titled "How will you make your mark on the world?".  We are using Padlet to answer this question.

The students really enjoyed watching this little Book Trailer today...

In Visual Arts this week, we are learning about foreground, middleground, background and warm and cool colours.  We have worked hard on our sketches and will be starting with pastels tomorrow.  Ask your child all about it!

Maker Mobile was a HUGE success.  The students used Tinkercad (this is a free website if you want to try it out at home) to create their cookie cutters with a partner and then used the 3D printers to create their projects.  Maker Mobile is through the University of Ottawa and if you decide to create a project at home using Tinkercad, you can go to the University of Ottawa Makerspace on Sundays and print your projects using their 3D printers!  So fun!

Be sure to look through the pictures on our class Twitter to see all of the cookie cutters.

Links below:

Maker Mobile


We have also been focusing our word work on homonyms.  We are learning that there are many words that sounds alike, but are spelt differently and mean different things.  Our writing goal is to use these words correctly in the sentences we write during Writer's Workshop.  Here is a cute video and a little quiz for extra practice.

In Language, we are busy with our literacy stations writing pretend Halloween Invitations, putting Halloween words into alphabetical order, using Book Creator app to write spooky stories and work on our GRA reading response using Padlet on the Chromebooks.  We are also finishing up our Personal Safety posters and brochures in Health.

Don't forget to check out our Twitter Feed for pictures of classroom activities and learning.  You do not need a Twitter account to follow us as I have a feed on the right hand side of the classroom blog.
All you have to do is scroll down through all of our tweets.

Dance-a-thon is on Friday.  Grade 3 is scheduled to dance during 1st block.  Children are to wear their Halloween costumes, but please leave accessories and masks at home.  I can't wait to see all of the costumes! 

A HUGE heartfelt thank you for all of the canned goods and non perishable food that has been coming in.  All of the food donated will stay within our own community to help out the Barrhaven Food Cupboard.  Thank you again.  Amazing work!

Your Partner in Education,

Mrs. Caluori

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